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Call for Paper

Peer Review Process

Each manuscript submitted to our conference undergoes a comprehensive paper selection process, ensuring a thorough evaluation of its alignment with the conference scope and originality. To maintain a fair and impartial assessment, a unique paper ID is assigned to each submission. Our commitment to a double-blind review process guarantees an unbiased evaluation.

Paper Selection Process

Step 1 (Received): Abstracts/full-length papers are assigned a unique paper ID corresponding to the conference topic and track upon receipt.

Step 2 (Under Screening): The Technical Program Committee conducts an initial screening review. This includes assessing relevance to the conference theme, checking for plagiarism, evaluating paper organization, and examining the quality of figures, diagrams, illustrations, and equations.

Step 3 (Under Review): Manuscripts that pass Step 2 advance to the technical review process. They are sent to at least two reviewers specializing in the same domain.

Step 4 (Revision): Upon completion of the review, the corresponding author is notified, and a revised manuscript must be submitted within fifteen days.

Step 5 (Under Review): Revised papers are re-assessed by reviewers to ensure all suggested corrections are incorporated. Editors make a decision on paper acceptance if necessary.

Step 6 (Accept/Reject): The final decision is made by editors based on reviewer/TPC recommendations and communicated to corresponding authors.

Step 7 (CRP Received/Not Received): Status update on the Camera Ready Paper after acceptance.

Step 8 (REG Complete/Pending): Registration status update.

No paper is accepted without undergoing both screening and technical review processes. Full-length papers must be submitted for consideration, and authors receive a paper ID within one working day. Plagiarism checks are conducted at submission and acceptance stages, and authors are encouraged to take responsibility for any instances of plagiarism. For inquiries, contact at stamp@subharti.org